Ethical code
Organization model
In the awareness that the achievement of a competitive advantage and the long-term profits maximization requires the satisfaction of the economic, social and environmental expectations of all stakeholders; Forge Nicromo is committed to pursuing its goals and strengthen its identity, taking inspiration from socially responsible role models and promoting the disclosure and conscious sharing of the highest ethical principles.
Forge Nicromo, with a view to commitment and responsibility in the conduction of corporate affairs, is aware that the degree of protection of human rights in the world is variable. In order to ensure a common vision of ethical, moral and behavioural norms, Forge Nicromo has considered that it is fundamental to clearly define the set of values and ethical principles to which all those who operate, collaborate and act – in any capacity – in the context and in the name and/or on behalf of the Company or with the Company itself, must comply.
This code therefore expresses the commitments and ethical responsibilities in the conduction of business and corporate activities assumed by the people who work for Forge Nicromo, whether they are directors or employees.
All employees, besides fulfilling their general duties of loyalty, fairness, and execution of their employment contract in good faith, must comply with the corporate rules and follow the provisions of the Code of Ethics.
Each employee is required to know the Code, to actively contribute to its implementation and to report any possible deficiency.
Forge Nicromo undertakes to facilitate and promote the knowledge of the Code by its employees and to implement their constructive contribution on its contents. Any behaviour contrary to the letter and spirit of the Code will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of the Code itself.
Forge Nicromo will carefully monitor the observance of the Code, arranging appropriate instruments of information, prevention and control ensuring the transparency of the operations and behaviours put in place and, if necessary, intervening with corrective actions.
The application of the Code of Ethics is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer who makes use of the corporate structures and, for control, of the Supervisory Board established under the Legislative Decree 231/2001.